Top 5 Reads of 2019

As 2019 comes to a close, it is time for people everywhere to reflect on their achievements over the past twelve months. While this year was really hard for me personally and emotionally, it was stupendous reading-wise.

My initial goal was 60 books, but I ended up way surpassing that. I have read 98 different books this year, more books than I have ever read in a single year in my entire life!

Also this year, I read from a variety of genres, specifically ones I tend to ignore, such as middle grade, non-fiction, mystery thrillers, and poetry. And I even found a new favorite author (more on her later), and I re-read old and new favorites. For all the stress I was under this year, you can really tell that books were definitely my solace, and I definitely had fun reading whatever I wanted.

I ranked my favorite five-star reads into a top ten list. While books four through ten have no discernible order, it has been abundantly clear for months what my top three would be and what order they would fall into. I seemed to really love historical fiction this year. So since my four through ten are all equally ranked in my brain, I’ve picked two favorites to talk about for my top five, since I never reviewed them here.

Hope you enjoy, and here’s to a successful 2020!

#5: Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks

I enjoy Rainbow Rowell’s contemporary novels, so I was super excited when she released this graphic novel. This story–which focuses on two friends who work at a pumpkin patch–is absolutely perfect for getting into an autumnal mood, especially if fall is your favorite season and you read this right before going pumpkin picking. I look forward to reading it every fall from now on.

#4: The Flat Share by Beth O’Leary

This book surprised me. It’s about two strangers who agree to share a flat because they have opposite sleep schedules–Leon works at night while Tiffy is asleep and vice versa. But it was much more hard-hitting than I thought it would be; it explores unjust conviction and emotionally and mentally abusive relationships, all handled with delicacy. This is so much more than just the fluffy rom-com I was expecting.

#3: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

This was one of the most hyped books of 2018, and honestly I can see why it’s so beloved. Evelyn Hugo dives into the intricacies and strategies of the Old Hollywood studio systems and scandals; it shows how far a person will go to maintain success. This is the book that put author Taylor Jenkins Reid on the map, and it convinced me to read her entire backlist. She has such a way with words, you seriously forget the characters aren’t real. As a fan of film, I can’t believe I waited so long to read this. In fact, I read it twice.

#2: The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys

Despite having no prior experience with Sepetys, I had been excited to read this since I first heard about it in May. I had little frame of reference for Sepetys’s writing style, but something in me knew I was going to love this book. And the entire time I read it, I savored the author’s beautiful writing. This book features twists and intrigue and romance amid a tumultuous war-torn Spain. The story is breathtaking and unbelievable and keeps you turning the page. Look for my review coming soon.

#1: Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Confession time: I originally listened to this audiobook back in May, and when I posted my review in September, I was out of the country. As I was planning my reading for my international trip, I only downloaded one audiobook: this one. And while Goodreads will tell you I’ve read this only twice, I have actually read Daisy Jones FOUR AND A HALF TIMES! Three times in one week! I love it so much! I don’t even like 70’s rock music, but dialogue–all for that! Go read my review to see if it’s for you, or better yet–just go read this book!

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